Step 1

Before you start a game, click your game board together.

Step 2

Strategically place your pieces and block your opponent from doing the same.

Step 3

The player who has the most squares in their colour on the top sides of the cube, wins the game

Order Replacement Parts

Are you looking for replacement parts? You can order the parts here below by clicking on the "Add to cart" button. We charge 4€ for shipping & administration costs.

Please note: we only ship to the following countries: Belgium, Luxembourg & the Netherlands

  • SGM 201-I
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-J
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-K
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-L
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-M
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-N
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-O
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-P
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-G
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-H
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-A
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-B
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-C
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-D
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-E
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-F
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201 CHB
    1,50 €


Ready for the Duel?

Order Replacement Parts

Are you looking for replacement parts? You can order the parts here below by clicking on the "Add to cart" button. We charge 4€ for shipping & administration costs.

Please note: we only ship to the following countries: Belgium, Luxembourg & the Netherlands

  • SGM 201-I
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-J
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-K
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-L
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-M
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-N
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-O
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-P
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-G
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-H
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-A
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-B
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-C
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-D
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-E
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201-F
    2,00 €
  • SGM 201 CHB
    1,50 €


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